Links to Useful Websites
Listed are a small sample of the many genealogy websites to be found on the World Wide Web.
Pay / Subscription Websites
Ancestry: www.ancestry.uk Very extensive site of indexes covering a range of search areas. Also: www.ancestry.com www.ancestry.com.au
Find My Past (FMP): www.findmypast.co.uk Another very extensive site of indexes covering a range of search areas. Also: www.findmypast.com.au

Genes Reunited: www.genesreunited.co.uk Very extensive site of indexes. Has a good Messages / Contacts Centre where you can leave messages for members to contact each other exchanging ancestor info.

Devon Family History Society (DFHS): www.devonfhs.org.uk A specialist site for Devon families. Extensive records, indexes, projects, members' forum, Tree House (walk in centre in Exeter).

Free Websites
Family Search: www.familysearch.org World's largest database of BMD Indexes. Coverage of most countries of the world. These are the indexed records of the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Many indexing projects. For many years the LDS indexes were known as the IGI (International Genealogical Index).

Genuki: www.genuki.org.uk A large resource for UK and Irish genealogy.
An on-line reference library of hundreds of sets, with a very wide range of topics:
Civil Registration, Parishes, Directories, Gazetteers, Churches & Cemeteries, Maps, Newspapers, Occupations, Probate, Voting, Wills, the list is almost endless.
Cyndi’s List: http://www.cyndislist.com/uk/ A large and cross referenced Index to genealogical resources available on the Internet. If you don’t know what you are looking for and don’t know how to find what you know about re genealogy, this is a good site to explore. Plenty of links. Also http://www.cyndislist.com/

RootsWeb: www.rootsweb.ancestry.com A good search site to find out what others have posted re their family tree research. Has links to Ancestry, a pay site.
Family Tree Software
Family Tree Maker: www.mackiev.com Very popular genealogy software for Windows. FTM does not have a package for Mac users. FTM was previously owned by Ancestry.
Reunion: http://www.leisterpro.com/ The most popular family tree software for Mac. Has app for iPhone users.

Further useful Links to Family Tree Websites
The following Family Tree Links were sent in by Family Tree Researcher Michelle Bass, and her Daughter Lily. We are very grateful for these as they cover Links to two important areas that of Ships Passenger Lists and Genealogy for Kids.
'Ships Passenger Lists.
Genealogy for Kids.